Sunday, 29 March 2009


Welcome to my blog! I have never written one before, but I guess it will be like writing a diary. I kept loads of those during my teenage years, although I only kept up the writing for a few weeks each time. Lets hope I keep this up a bit longer and that the content is a little more interesting and stretches a little further than playground fallouts and teenage crushes!! This will be a complete set of ramblings about my life, my wedding planning and my general thoughts. Quite often I lie awake at night, unable to sleep, with millions of thoughts floating around in my head. I'm hoping by spilling them out on here, I might start getting a decent nights sleep every now and then!

Hope you don't get bored reading!

This time last year I was newly engaged to the perfect man, something I never thought would happen. I always thought I would be the girl stuck with the second choice man, the not quite perfect, the type you can never completely be yourself with. I never actually fully believed Mr Perfect existed. As I found out, he does, and life with him is perfect, I can be myself all the time, not just some of it. I can have pyjama days and make up free days, I can sing badly and laugh loudly and all the time be accepted as normal. As I said - Life is perfect!

So, over the last year we have been slowly starting to plan our big day. We have booked a beautiful church, a lovely reception venue, a pricey but fantastic photographer, and I have ordered the dress of my dreams. So basically we have started spending money on what will be one of the biggest purchases of our lives - a wedding - stick the word in front of anything and you can stick an extra zero on the end of the price tag!

During the next 16 months (if I haven't already bored you), you will be able to follow our planning which will (hopefully) end in the perfect day - THE BIG DAY!

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