Ok, so I am back to the blogging in the hope it will empty all my thoughts and get me a decent nights sleep. The weekend saw a mixed bag of sleep for me with 1 awful night and 1 where I slept like a log!
On Friday morning, myself and Mr P got up early, loaded up the van and headed towards Great Malvern to Vanfest, the worlds largest VW show. We arrived at a very sunny Three Counties Showground around 1.30 and smiled for our photo on the way in and started to search for a camping spot. The place was packed and we didn't really have many options! We found somewhere and set up. Later that night the noisy neighbours from hell arrived with their van parked so close they might as well have been sleeping in our awning. Then at 12.30 they decided to have a very noisy barbecue outside the awning door! Who has barbecues at that time of night? It's just not right! I managed to get them to lower the noise only to discover that 2 rows back a small party was going on between 4 vans! Grrrrr!! Family camping + noisy people = a not happy me! Luckily a call to the 24 hr security at 1.45 put a stop to their gathering and I did manage to get some sleep till next door awoke at 8!
Rude people aside, we had a lovely weekend, and the weather was more than we could hope for. We saw many vans and bought some bits and pieces for Bella. We are definitely up for going again next year, where hopefully I will be entering in the 'Cooking in a Camper' Competition!
So you are probably wondering what all that has to do with the title - well, that actually comes from last night's weird sleep! I think it was possibly a combination of : a) Gavin & Stacey's wedding that was on TV last night, b) Mr P telling me how many days we had till the wedding, and c) The realisation of how much we have to do between now and the wedding. Last night I had a 'wedding nightmare'. I will try and keep it short - basically it was the morning of the wedding and the flowers arrived, just all loose in a box! Then I started to realise that there were things I had not bought, such as the flowergirl's dress and shoes. It was then that my Chief Bridesmaid remembered she hadn't made the bridesmaid dresses!! I thought she was joking but when I looked in my wardrobe, there was the fabric all wrapped up in the bag. On top of the wardrobe was the box full of half finished favour boxes and invites! To top it all off, there was no sign of my dress, I guess that was still in the shop too! So basically, it was the wedding day and I was at the planning stage I am at now!! So the dream, although scary, has actually given me the kick up the bum I needed to get back into the planning.
My plans for this weekend - meet with C my Chief Bridesmaid to get the dresses started, and my plans for the rest of this week - to do some more stationery.
Will be back soon with pictures of wedding stuff, for now I leave you with some pictures from the weekend. Goodnight x