December also brought us snow, and quite a bit of it. Unfortunately the only night with enough to go snowboarding, also was the windiest night.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
4 months on, and 4 months to go
It's been 4 months since my last post. It's hard to believe it's been quite as long! There have been many times I have thought about posting, but always something gets in the way. Sadly it's been more of laziness and facebook rather than wedding planning, but with 4 months to go till the big day, that will all have to change.
During the next few days, I plan to do a quick catch up of the last few months. I won't bore you all with too much writing, but will use as many photos as possible instead.
During the next few days, I plan to do a quick catch up of the last few months. I won't bore you all with too much writing, but will use as many photos as possible instead.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
2 Whole Months & 13 Whole Days!
That's how long it has been since I last updated here. Where has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long since I was last here, writing down my sometimes strange and boring thoughts! You'd think after all that time away, that I might have loads of interesting and exciting things to write about. The sad thing is, that I don't think I have done all that much in all that time, which kind of makes my life seem dull!
The downside of getting married is the amount of money it costs. There are so many things to pay for and lots to buy, and it would seem that where the word wedding is added, then so is an extra zero to the end of the total! Everything soon adds up and you start to wonder where all the money is going to come from to pay for it. You start working out how many paydays there are left, and how many birthdays may get in the way and disrupt the saving. Then you start staying in even more than before, and question everything you want to buy, and I guess that's why I don't have a lot to report for the last 2 months!
So what have we done? Well, on the wedding front I have been busy making more favour boxes. I have also bought our wedding postbox and guestbook from the fantastic prettywild. I have chosen and ordered a veil, tiara and petticoat, and we have managed to narrow the choice of bridesmaid tiaras down to a choice of two.
On the non-wedding front, I have finally picked up the patchwork quilt, and I am 3 squares away from completing 1 side. However, it has been put aside again while I make a smaller version as a New Baby present (photos to follow when completed). Also on the creative front, I have been getting creative in the kitchen by making some lovely cupcakes and trying to perfect the art of butter cream frosting. I am trying to achieve a professional finish. My aim is to make boxes of cupcakes to give to friends and family for Christmas. I shall also post photos on completion of these.
Well, I guess that's us caught up for now. This weekend I will hopefully be baking and sewing, and watching Mr P at the snow dome. I will also be very jealous that I will not be testing out my new snowboard this weekend at the dome. However, it's best I get back up the gym before that happens!
Goodnight x
The downside of getting married is the amount of money it costs. There are so many things to pay for and lots to buy, and it would seem that where the word wedding is added, then so is an extra zero to the end of the total! Everything soon adds up and you start to wonder where all the money is going to come from to pay for it. You start working out how many paydays there are left, and how many birthdays may get in the way and disrupt the saving. Then you start staying in even more than before, and question everything you want to buy, and I guess that's why I don't have a lot to report for the last 2 months!
So what have we done? Well, on the wedding front I have been busy making more favour boxes. I have also bought our wedding postbox and guestbook from the fantastic prettywild. I have chosen and ordered a veil, tiara and petticoat, and we have managed to narrow the choice of bridesmaid tiaras down to a choice of two.
On the non-wedding front, I have finally picked up the patchwork quilt, and I am 3 squares away from completing 1 side. However, it has been put aside again while I make a smaller version as a New Baby present (photos to follow when completed). Also on the creative front, I have been getting creative in the kitchen by making some lovely cupcakes and trying to perfect the art of butter cream frosting. I am trying to achieve a professional finish. My aim is to make boxes of cupcakes to give to friends and family for Christmas. I shall also post photos on completion of these.
Well, I guess that's us caught up for now. This weekend I will hopefully be baking and sewing, and watching Mr P at the snow dome. I will also be very jealous that I will not be testing out my new snowboard this weekend at the dome. However, it's best I get back up the gym before that happens!
Goodnight x
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Wedding Brain? Or too much Coke?
It's 2.25a.m and I cannot sleep. Mr P is snoring away upstairs, but I am lying on the sofa with a brain that will not switch off! I don't like giving up and getting out of bed, but I had been lying there for over an hour and the thoughts and music swirling in my head was getting worse and unbearable! I am so tired and really need my sleep, so I hope this blogging does help!
Early this evening, or should I say last night, we went to a wedding reception for one of my work colleagues. It got us thinking about our wedding, and since we got home have been throwing ideas around for first dance songs and also a playlist and a 'do not play' list for our wedding DJ.
I think that may also have contributed to my sleepless state. I also think maybe the amount of coke I drank at the wedding reception might have something to do with it! I obviously need more Malibu in my coke for the alcohol effect to outweigh the caffeine effect!
As well as music, I have also been thinking about hair. Last time I posted about hair, I was going to grow it and have it all curled and loosely pinned up. Since then I have had it all chopped off and need to look for some new styles. This is the kind of thing I have in mind:

Later today I am going to visit my Chief Bridesmaid for lunch, and we are going to discuss bridesmaid dresses. So hopefully tonight I will have something to report on. Right now I am going to spend a few minutes on facebook before attempting to get some sleep.
Early this evening, or should I say last night, we went to a wedding reception for one of my work colleagues. It got us thinking about our wedding, and since we got home have been throwing ideas around for first dance songs and also a playlist and a 'do not play' list for our wedding DJ.
I think that may also have contributed to my sleepless state. I also think maybe the amount of coke I drank at the wedding reception might have something to do with it! I obviously need more Malibu in my coke for the alcohol effect to outweigh the caffeine effect!
As well as music, I have also been thinking about hair. Last time I posted about hair, I was going to grow it and have it all curled and loosely pinned up. Since then I have had it all chopped off and need to look for some new styles. This is the kind of thing I have in mind:

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Addicted to Facebook?
I don't have a particularly busy lifestyle, although I find the evenings just pass by in a blur and I don't actually seem to do anything. OK, well that's not strictly true. I spend a lot of time caught up in the addiction of facebook applications. How do you tell if you are addicted? Well it would appear that you follow in the footsteps of your Aunt and set up another profile just to get a second fairy garden! Except instead of using family members' details, you create a completely made up person! Oh dear, now I do sound like a fruit loop and maybe ought to delete it and stop this madness before it gets worse. How would I cope with 4 farms, 2 pets, another high bejeweled score to beat, and even more scrabble games? I can hardly deal with what I already have! I log on when I get home from work, for what is meant to be a quick look before tackling the housework. By the time I have collected my fairy gold, watered some plants in hope of finding wildlife and diamonds, harvested my peppers, onions and carrots, and collected eggs off the chickens, I find a whole hour has passed. I then try and beat other friends' Bejeweled scores and take my turns at scrabble, by which point it's getting late and half the evening has gone.
I want to spend more time with Mr P. I want to do more housework. I would also like to sit and make wedding stationery and complete my patchwork quilt. I need more hours in the evening, or I need to drop some apps!
It doesn't just stop at Facebook though. After I have tended to all my animals and crops, I then need to get my wedding gossip fix on the forum, followed by a catch up on the Camper forum, by which time I am still sitting in my work clothes, hungry, staring at a mountain of ironing. And I wonder why I have no time to blog!
I need to find a solution, but for now I need my bed! Goodnight.
I want to spend more time with Mr P. I want to do more housework. I would also like to sit and make wedding stationery and complete my patchwork quilt. I need more hours in the evening, or I need to drop some apps!
It doesn't just stop at Facebook though. After I have tended to all my animals and crops, I then need to get my wedding gossip fix on the forum, followed by a catch up on the Camper forum, by which time I am still sitting in my work clothes, hungry, staring at a mountain of ironing. And I wonder why I have no time to blog!
I need to find a solution, but for now I need my bed! Goodnight.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Sharp kick up the bum and back into the world of wedding planning!!
Ok, so I am back to the blogging in the hope it will empty all my thoughts and get me a decent nights sleep. The weekend saw a mixed bag of sleep for me with 1 awful night and 1 where I slept like a log!
On Friday morning, myself and Mr P got up early, loaded up the van and headed towards Great Malvern to Vanfest, the worlds largest VW show. We arrived at a very sunny Three Counties Showground around 1.30 and smiled for our photo on the way in and started to search for a camping spot. The place was packed and we didn't really have many options! We found somewhere and set up. Later that night the noisy neighbours from hell arrived with their van parked so close they might as well have been sleeping in our awning. Then at 12.30 they decided to have a very noisy barbecue outside the awning door! Who has barbecues at that time of night? It's just not right! I managed to get them to lower the noise only to discover that 2 rows back a small party was going on between 4 vans! Grrrrr!! Family camping + noisy people = a not happy me! Luckily a call to the 24 hr security at 1.45 put a stop to their gathering and I did manage to get some sleep till next door awoke at 8!
Rude people aside, we had a lovely weekend, and the weather was more than we could hope for. We saw many vans and bought some bits and pieces for Bella. We are definitely up for going again next year, where hopefully I will be entering in the 'Cooking in a Camper' Competition!
So you are probably wondering what all that has to do with the title - well, that actually comes from last night's weird sleep! I think it was possibly a combination of : a) Gavin & Stacey's wedding that was on TV last night, b) Mr P telling me how many days we had till the wedding, and c) The realisation of how much we have to do between now and the wedding. Last night I had a 'wedding nightmare'. I will try and keep it short - basically it was the morning of the wedding and the flowers arrived, just all loose in a box! Then I started to realise that there were things I had not bought, such as the flowergirl's dress and shoes. It was then that my Chief Bridesmaid remembered she hadn't made the bridesmaid dresses!! I thought she was joking but when I looked in my wardrobe, there was the fabric all wrapped up in the bag. On top of the wardrobe was the box full of half finished favour boxes and invites! To top it all off, there was no sign of my dress, I guess that was still in the shop too! So basically, it was the wedding day and I was at the planning stage I am at now!! So the dream, although scary, has actually given me the kick up the bum I needed to get back into the planning.
My plans for this weekend - meet with C my Chief Bridesmaid to get the dresses started, and my plans for the rest of this week - to do some more stationery.
Will be back soon with pictures of wedding stuff, for now I leave you with some pictures from the weekend. Goodnight x

On Friday morning, myself and Mr P got up early, loaded up the van and headed towards Great Malvern to Vanfest, the worlds largest VW show. We arrived at a very sunny Three Counties Showground around 1.30 and smiled for our photo on the way in and started to search for a camping spot. The place was packed and we didn't really have many options! We found somewhere and set up. Later that night the noisy neighbours from hell arrived with their van parked so close they might as well have been sleeping in our awning. Then at 12.30 they decided to have a very noisy barbecue outside the awning door! Who has barbecues at that time of night? It's just not right! I managed to get them to lower the noise only to discover that 2 rows back a small party was going on between 4 vans! Grrrrr!! Family camping + noisy people = a not happy me! Luckily a call to the 24 hr security at 1.45 put a stop to their gathering and I did manage to get some sleep till next door awoke at 8!
Rude people aside, we had a lovely weekend, and the weather was more than we could hope for. We saw many vans and bought some bits and pieces for Bella. We are definitely up for going again next year, where hopefully I will be entering in the 'Cooking in a Camper' Competition!
So you are probably wondering what all that has to do with the title - well, that actually comes from last night's weird sleep! I think it was possibly a combination of : a) Gavin & Stacey's wedding that was on TV last night, b) Mr P telling me how many days we had till the wedding, and c) The realisation of how much we have to do between now and the wedding. Last night I had a 'wedding nightmare'. I will try and keep it short - basically it was the morning of the wedding and the flowers arrived, just all loose in a box! Then I started to realise that there were things I had not bought, such as the flowergirl's dress and shoes. It was then that my Chief Bridesmaid remembered she hadn't made the bridesmaid dresses!! I thought she was joking but when I looked in my wardrobe, there was the fabric all wrapped up in the bag. On top of the wardrobe was the box full of half finished favour boxes and invites! To top it all off, there was no sign of my dress, I guess that was still in the shop too! So basically, it was the wedding day and I was at the planning stage I am at now!! So the dream, although scary, has actually given me the kick up the bum I needed to get back into the planning.
My plans for this weekend - meet with C my Chief Bridesmaid to get the dresses started, and my plans for the rest of this week - to do some more stationery.
Will be back soon with pictures of wedding stuff, for now I leave you with some pictures from the weekend. Goodnight x

Thursday, 10 September 2009
Lazy Blogger Returns............
Well so much for blogging every night, I can't believe it's been over a month since I even looked at my blog, let alone posted.
In the last couple of weeks, my sleepless nights have got worse, and so I need to do something about it. This morning on the BBC breakfast programme, they were talking about how not only lack of sleep is bad for your health, but also bad for relationships, due to feeling grouchy. I can vouch for this as I have been increasingly snappy towards my Mr P, and I am now feeling like we can't carry on like this.
I also need to return to regular blogging because with 11 months till the big day, there is a lot of planning going on and trying to report on over a months worth is quite daunting!
11 months - wow how quick did that come round? Well, August the 7th came and went, and we sent out our save the date magnets, for which we had many lovely comments. So thank you again to Prettywild for those. August also brought a drastic change to my wedding look. To completely wipe out the plans from my earlier hair post, I had my hair chopped off to a short bob. A big change, but definitely more me.
August also saw myself and C my maid of honour take a train to London to buy some fabric for the bridesmaids dresses and the men's ties. We found some gorgeous silk dupion in the absolute perfect shade. I can't wait to see everything all made up.
For the rest of August we didn't get that much wedding planning done. Mr P's daughter was here for the school holidays, so a lot of time was spent with her. We had a day out in London, seeing the landmarks and visiting the aquarium, and we went camping together too. We took her home the week before bank holiday and treated ourselves to a night in a nice hotel, and visited Wookey Hole on the way home.
I will leave you with photos of our August. Goodnight.

P.S. I won't be blogging till Sunday evening as we are off to Vanfest
In the last couple of weeks, my sleepless nights have got worse, and so I need to do something about it. This morning on the BBC breakfast programme, they were talking about how not only lack of sleep is bad for your health, but also bad for relationships, due to feeling grouchy. I can vouch for this as I have been increasingly snappy towards my Mr P, and I am now feeling like we can't carry on like this.
I also need to return to regular blogging because with 11 months till the big day, there is a lot of planning going on and trying to report on over a months worth is quite daunting!
11 months - wow how quick did that come round? Well, August the 7th came and went, and we sent out our save the date magnets, for which we had many lovely comments. So thank you again to Prettywild for those. August also brought a drastic change to my wedding look. To completely wipe out the plans from my earlier hair post, I had my hair chopped off to a short bob. A big change, but definitely more me.
August also saw myself and C my maid of honour take a train to London to buy some fabric for the bridesmaids dresses and the men's ties. We found some gorgeous silk dupion in the absolute perfect shade. I can't wait to see everything all made up.
For the rest of August we didn't get that much wedding planning done. Mr P's daughter was here for the school holidays, so a lot of time was spent with her. We had a day out in London, seeing the landmarks and visiting the aquarium, and we went camping together too. We took her home the week before bank holiday and treated ourselves to a night in a nice hotel, and visited Wookey Hole on the way home.
I will leave you with photos of our August. Goodnight.
P.S. I won't be blogging till Sunday evening as we are off to Vanfest
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Back to the Plans
After going to a friend's wedding reception a couple of weeks ago, I have been back in the mood to plan my own wedding. I don't think I have never been out of the planning mood, just haven't really had a lot to do. Also I can't help thinking the last 8 months of doing very little, may have been the calm before the storm! Next week we will be at the 1 year mark, no more saying we get married August 7th next year, it will just be August 7th, and I have a feeling that after next week, time will fly quicker than ever!
This weekend gone was quite productive as far as wedding planning goes. On Saturday I met up with my cheif bridesmaid, and we headed into London to choose and buy the fabric for the bridesmaid dresses. Mr P and I made the decision on Friday evening, to have the cravats made from the same fabric so they would be a perfect match. After looking round a couple of unsuitable shops, where the fabric was overpriced, and the staff rude and pushy, we found a shop that had just what we wanted. At the weekend I will try and find time to photograph it outside in the sunshine to post on here. Hopefully I can get the same effect the man in the shop did. He took the green silk, and some ivory silk and put them outside to show them together in the daylight, to show how the bridesmaids dresses will look next to my dress. For a few seconds I could picture myself in the church yard with my bridesmaids, standing in the sun!!
When I returned home I was really motivated to get wedding things done. So I spent the evening writing the envelopes for the save the dates. Now I just have to control myself to keep them in the box until next week when we can send them out!
Sunday was spent looking for hairstyles. My aim was to create a mood board with lots of different styles to inspire myself and the bridesmaids. I do seem to have collected many very similar styles, which fortunately 2 out of 3 bridesmaids love. Just need to see if the third has the same taste now! Right, that was my short but long awaited entry tonight.
Tomorrow I will share my confetti cone ideas, but for now I will leave you with some hair pictures.
Goodnight x
This weekend gone was quite productive as far as wedding planning goes. On Saturday I met up with my cheif bridesmaid, and we headed into London to choose and buy the fabric for the bridesmaid dresses. Mr P and I made the decision on Friday evening, to have the cravats made from the same fabric so they would be a perfect match. After looking round a couple of unsuitable shops, where the fabric was overpriced, and the staff rude and pushy, we found a shop that had just what we wanted. At the weekend I will try and find time to photograph it outside in the sunshine to post on here. Hopefully I can get the same effect the man in the shop did. He took the green silk, and some ivory silk and put them outside to show them together in the daylight, to show how the bridesmaids dresses will look next to my dress. For a few seconds I could picture myself in the church yard with my bridesmaids, standing in the sun!!
When I returned home I was really motivated to get wedding things done. So I spent the evening writing the envelopes for the save the dates. Now I just have to control myself to keep them in the box until next week when we can send them out!
Sunday was spent looking for hairstyles. My aim was to create a mood board with lots of different styles to inspire myself and the bridesmaids. I do seem to have collected many very similar styles, which fortunately 2 out of 3 bridesmaids love. Just need to see if the third has the same taste now! Right, that was my short but long awaited entry tonight.
Tomorrow I will share my confetti cone ideas, but for now I will leave you with some hair pictures.
Goodnight x
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