10 years ago when Big Brother first came on to our screens, I didn't really have any interest in watching it. However, like most of the population, I started watching it when Nasty Nick was evidted from the house. After that I was hooked, and really enjoyed watching it. As someone who has a habit of people watching, I really liked seeing the different personalities and loved being able to watch someone 24/7.
The few years that followed were quite good too, with some quite memorable characters. Now, it just seems that they fill the house with the biggest idiots ever. Take this years selection for example, I can probably only think of a few people who seem normal. Like I said, I don't know why I watch it. Half of the people in the house make me so cross that I have to shout at the TV. Tonight I was getting agitated with Marcus, he is just a big bully who loves the sound of his own voice. I actually felt sorry for Sree, even though he is weird too, he doesn't deserve to be bullied by the others the way he has been. The other people who annoy me are Siavash and Cairon. I also think Halfwit and Angel are very weird people.
Who will win? At this stage I have no idea. There isn't really anyone who stands out as being a favourite, although I do quite like Charlie. Do I really care though? How long will I still be watching it for? I suppose it all depends on how long it takes for another channel to put something decent on at 10pm.

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